Robert Bassett

Engineer. Musician. Music Industry Professional.

After The Beatles: Paul McCartney’s bass playing, Part II

In this article, we focus in on Paul McCartney's post-Beatles years,  examining his bass playing and compositional techniques in his nearly half-century-long solo career.  Featured are transcriptions of his bass work on "Teddy Boy", "Silly Love Songs", and "Magic". Scroll down to read in the windows below, or click the titles above. 

The Creative Genius of Paul McCartney's Bass Lines

This article, recently published on Disc Maker's Blog, focuses on Paul McCartney's development as a bass player over his years with The Beatles. It includes transcriptions and recordings I made of some of his most popular bass lines, as well as harmonic and stylistic analyses of those bass lines. 

Music streaming 2016, Part 1: the current streaming landscape

In this article that I co-wrote with music industry consultant Keith Hatschek, we look at the current streaming landscape by identifying key players and dominant trends.

Music streaming 2016, Part 2: the complex revenue equation

Part two of our music streaming article examines streaming as a source of revenue, as well as its effects on music piracy.